Monthly Archives: February 2013

Cortland County resolution calling for the repeal of the NY SAFE act

Resolution passed unanimously February 28th Calling for the Repeal of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE Act”)

Cortland County Resolution – 2-28-13 by Evan Hempel

Jefferson County resolution opposing the NY SAFE Act

Jefferson County by Evan Hempel

Town of Palmyra resolution opposing NY SAFE act

Palmyra-Res 11-3013 P1Palmyra-Res 11-2013 P2

Town of Elbridge resolution opposing NY SAFE


Introduced by the Elbridge Town Board


WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature recently enacted and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law the New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NY SAFE ACT) and

WHEREAS, the Governor Andrew Cuomo enacted said law swiftly and without regard of the concerns or opinions of the Citizens of NY State and

WHEREAS, the haste of our State Legislature and Governor passing this Law has resulted in a Law which is flawed and affects our State and local Law enforcement officers in performing their duties and

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE ACT is in direct contradiction of our rights under the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and limits the rights of the Citizens of NY State to protect themselves as allowed under this Constitution from this very type of tyranny and

WHEREAS, because of this law Gun Manufacturers are now refusing to sell their Firearms to local Law Enforcement Agencies within States which do not allow the Citizens of these States the right to own and or bare Firearms as protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and

WHEREAS, the definition of Assault Weapons as pertained in the NY SAFE ACT of 2013 is opinionated and without merit and

WHEREAS, the Statistical history of murders committed in NY State show this Law would have little or no effect on saving life’s and

WHEREAS, this Law affects the rights of thousands of Honest Law Abiding Citizens that own and use the Firearms that this Law would make illegal and cause for mandatory registration of Firearms and or Magazines that have been used for many years by the citizens of NY State without incident and in fact be punishing these Law Abiding Citizens for fear of the actions of a few and

WHEREAS, this law will have no affect on the Criminally Insane or the people of this State that wish to do harm onto others with the use of a Firearm as a weapon as there is no regard for Laws, Regulations, or Loss of Life now when a Crime is committed with a unlawful Firearm


SO BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Elbridge Town Board respectfully submit to the Governor of the State of New York Andrew Cuomo to repeal the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NY SAFE ACT) and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent Certified to our Onondaga County Executive Joannie Mahoney, Onondaga County Legislator Derek Shepard, Onondaga County Sheriff Kevin Walsh, NY State Senator John DeFrancisco, Assemblyman Gary Finch, US Senator Charles Schumer, US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and NYS Assembly Leader Sheldon Silver, NYS State Senate Leader Dean Skelos, Congressman Daniel Maffei and the Association of Towns.



Thursday, February 28, 2013

Town of Macedon resolution opposing the SAFE Act

Town of Macedon resolution opposing the SAFE Act passed unanimously.

RESOLUTION NO. 63 (2013)


Whereas, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is guaranteed as an individual right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, as well as New York State Civil Rights Law, and

Whereas, this legislation fails to offer any meaningful solutions to gun violence and places increased burdens on the law abiding citizens; and

Whereas, in our opinion, there was no reason for the Governor to use a message of necessity to bring this bill to vote immediately and bypass the three day maturing process for all legislation; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, the Town of Macedon Town Board hereby opposes, and requests the repeal of, the New York State Safe Act as we consider such law to be unnecessary and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our State Representatives.




Guest Viewpoint: N.Y. infringes on gun owners, mentally ill

As the executive director of The Mental Health Association in Tompkins County, a concealed-carry pistol permit license holder in New York, a lifelong resident of New York, a lifetime member of the North American Hunting Club, and a lifetime sportsman license holder in New York, I am appalled by the NY SAFE Act.

My official position as the executive director is that this new law has effectively removed many of the rights of the mentally ill. Thousands of people now must consider risking revocation or suspension of civil liberties in regard to gun ownership/hunting and mental health treatment. A veteran of the U.S. military who returns from overseas with PTSD or some other mental illness will be told that he or she can no longer possess weapons or ammunition? This new law suggests that all individuals who suffer from mental illness are criminals. The truth is that persons with mental illness are far more likely to be victims of crime than they are to perpetrate it.

Extending Kendra’s Law increased the amount of time that individuals can be forced into treatment for their mental illness. Many clinicians are reluctant to hospitalize or force treatment of individuals against their will because they’re sensitive to the individual’s rights. By extending that time period to a year, clinicians could be wearier[sic] than they were before.

This new law is so immoral, unethical and discriminating that I’m ashamed to say I live here.

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Columbia County committee calls for repeal of NY SAFE Act

The County Government Committee of the Columbia County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday calling for the repeal of the NY Safe Act passed by the State Legislature last month.

The committee voted 6-2 in favor, with supervisors Jesse DeGroodt, NOP-Chatham, Thomas Garrick, R-Gallatin, Ron Knott, R-Stuyvesant, Kevin McDonald, R-Livingston, Matt Murell, R-Stockport and Raymond Staats, D-Clermont voting in support. Voting against the measure were supervisors Edward Cross, D-Hudson2 and Ellen Thurston, D-Hudson3.

The resolution, which would still need to be passed by the full Board of Supervisors, states that the NY SAFE Act will curtail the Second Amendment right of citizens to bear arms, and takes issue with the legislation for having been “approved with scant public notice, very little public debate or review by state lawmakers.”

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Town of Elma resolution opposing the NY SAFE act

Passed unanimously February 27th

Councilman Fallon made the motion and Councilman Malczewski seconded the motion to approve the following resolution to Amend the NY Safe Act:

WHEREAS, the Town of Elma located in the Center of Erie County in the State of New York objects to the infringement of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America by the New York State governing body, and

WHEREAS, the Gun control Bill (S.2230) known as NY SAFE Act was rushed through the Senate & Assembly without a single Public hearing or input from the various Law enforcement agencies located around our State, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Elma proposes and affirms an ordinance to protect the rights of its citizens to keep and bear arms: an ordinance, which shall be known and may be cited as the “2nd amendment preservation ordinance”….which shall stand to prevent federal, state or local infringement on the right to keep and bear firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition; nullifying all federal, state or local acts in violation of the 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and

WHEREAS, the Webster, New York case clearly reflects a greater need for an overhaul of the State’s mental health system and parole/judicial system, along with greater “criminal Control” and enforcement of existing policies and laws, and

WHEREAS, the residents of the Town of Elma realize that the NY SAFE Act, gun control law, must be repealed and must replace the restrictions of the enacted law, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that The Town Board of the Town of Elma urgently asks Governor Andrew M. Cuomo & the Legislative leaders to suspend this law as soon as possible and calls upon our state and federal representatives to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of our citizens from dangerous psychopaths regardless of whether they are using firearms, knives, clubs or hammers as weapons to take innocent lives, and be it further

RESOLVED, the Town of Elma vehemently opposes any and all new legislation that further restricts the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and be it further

RESOLVED, the Town of Elma supports the rights of its citizens to arm themselves, if necessary, to protect themselves, their families and their neighbors when law enforcement or our government fails to do so and also if crimes against the 2nd amendment and the United States Constitution are being committed by whatever group or persons committing such a crime, and be it further

RESOLVED, the Town of Elma supports legislation that will ensure dangerous felons are incarcerated and not released only to take additional innocent lives, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to: Honorable Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Honorable Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Honorable Majority Leader of Independent Democratic Caucus Jeff Klein, Honorable Senate Minority Leader John Sampson, Honorable Speaker of the Assembly Sheldon Silver, Honorable Leader of the Assembly Ron Canestrari, Honorable Minority Leader of the Assembly Brian Kolb, and the Western New York Delegation and Erie County Legislators.

Ayes-4. Noes-0. Carried.

Town of Lockport resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE Act


WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature recently enacted and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (” NY SAFE ACT”), and

WHEREAS, said legislation is problematic in the eyes of the Lockport Town Board, as said ACT would seem to infringe upon the rights of the citizens of the State of New York, and

WHEREAS, as the NY SAFE ACT was adopted after minimal public discussion and input from stakeholders such as private-sector businesses, hunter safety groups, the Shooters Committee on Political Education( SCOPE), the National Rifle Association, the New York State Rife and Pistol Association, various conservation federations across the state, private citizens, and the law enforcement community, as evidenced by flaws in the law, most notably that police officers are not exempted from its restrictions on firearms and ammunition that are necessary to defend against crime, and after having been available for review by the members of the New York State Legislature for only a few hours, and

WHEREAS, the County of Niagara is home to a thriving sporting industry, as evidenced by the presence of the Fin- Feather-Fur Conservation Society, the Hartland Conservation Club, the Iroquois Arms Collectors Association, the Lake Ontario Trout& Salmon Association, the LaSalle Sportmen’ s Club, the Lockport Conservation Club, the Middleport Rod& Gun Club, the N. Y. S. Crossbow Hunter’s Association, the Niagara County Chapter of SCOPE, the Niagara County Gobblers Chapter NWTF, the Niagara County Sportmen’s Association, the Niagara County Trappers Association, the Niagara Musky Association, the Niagara Frontier Friends of the NRA, the Niagara Rivers Anglers Association, the North American Bear Foundation, the North Forest Rod& Gun Club, the Pheasants Forever of WNY# 29— Pioneer Conservation Sportmen’ s of Niagara County, the Rapids Rod& Gun Club, the Somerset Conservation Club, the Tonawanda Sportmen’ s Club, the Wheatfield Firearms Safety&Education Committee, the Wilson Conservation Club Auxiliary, the Wilson Conservation Club, and the Wolcottsville Rod&Gun Club, among others, and

WHEREAS, the Legislature of the County of Niagara has called upon Governor Cuomo, the New York State Assembly, and the New York State Senate to immediately repeal the NY SAFE ACT, and to re-establish open dialogue with the public, inclusive of representatives from stakeholders such as those groups listed above, be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Lockport, Niagara County, does hereby support the Niagara County Legislature in its effort to call upon Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature to immediately repeal the NYS SAFE ACT, and to re-establish open dialogue with the public, inclusive of representatives of the stakeholders such as the groups listed above, and

RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Lockport, Niagara County, shall forward copies of this Resolution to the Niagara County Legislature; to Governor Cuomo; Senate Vice President Pro Tern George D. Maziarz; Senate Temporary President Dean G. Skelos; Senate Deputy Majority Leader Thomas W. Libous; Member of the Assembly Jane L. Corwin; Member of the Assembly John D. Ceretto; Member of the Assembly Ray Walter; Member of the Assembly Stephen Hawley; Member of the Assembly Robin Schimminger; Speaker of the Assembly Sheldon Silver; Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Morelle; Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb; President Barack H. Obama; U. S. Senator Charles E. Schumer; U. S. Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand; U. S. Rep. Chris Collins; U. S. Rep. Brian M. Higgins; the New York State Association of Towns; the Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs; the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association; the Board of Directors of SCOPE; the Remington Arms Company, LLC; the Kahr Arms Company; Kimber America; and all others deemed necessary.

Chautauqua County resolution opposing NY SAFE act

Passed 2/27/2013

Chautauqua 02 February 2013 PS by Evan Hempel