Monthly Archives: March 2013

Clerks Overwhelmed by Gun Opt-Out Forms

County clerks around New York said they are struggling with thousands of pistol permit opt-out forms flooding their offices and with no money from the state for the additional work.

A provision in New York’s new gun-control law provides state residents with the option to fill out a form that would keep their pistol permit records exempt from Freedom of Information requests. State Police released the forms on Feb. 15, and permit holders have until May 15 to complete the forms or risk having their information available to the public.

Monroe County has received 11,000 forms. Westchester County has received 9,000, and Broome County has gotten in 4,000. Clerks report long lines of people submitting the forms.

“It started a little slow the first week with a couple of hundred a day, and now we get about 700 to 800 at the most per day,” said Westchester County Clerk Tim Idoni. “People realize that the deadline is approaching soon to get these forms in.”

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Madison County sheriff on SAFE Act

Thank you for your note through our website.  We value the input, comments and suggestions by the citizens of our County.

The below link was a letter issued by the Sheriff earlier this year regarding his observations of NY SAFE Act.  This, along with the resolution issued by the Madison County Board of Supervisors (you can read that on the Madison County website) should give you a clear indication of where the Sheriff, and the collective Board of Supervisors, stand on this subject.  This was published in many local and regional newspapers in late January 2013:

The SAFE Act continues to evolve, with several modifications/amendments being suggested in Albany through input of not only state and local officials, but those of the public as well.  Your concerns should also be noted and communicated with both your State Senator and Legislator so they too are aware of their constituent concerns.

Sheriff Riley stands with the other Sheriff’s of New York State, who have issued a joint letter to the Governor addressing their concerns with the bill as well.  Some of those areas are captured in the letter (above).

Springville Village Board opposes several of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s changes

According to New York Senator Patrick Gallivan, who has voiced his opposition to the new legislation, the SAFE Act’s time frame was constitutional, but he noted that its backers did not allow any time for government officials to bring the act back to their districts for discussion or to consult experts, about the matter.

“I think it’s a poor law,” Krebs said. Lohrey concurred, adding, “It’s just a big photo op. It won’t do what it says it will do.”

All present board members except Chamberlin voted in favor of backing the association of governments’ opposition to the SAFE Act.

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Town of Hancock resolution opposing the NY SAFE Act

Resolution #3, 2013


WHEREAS, THE Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed as an individual right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms for defense of life, Liberty, and Properly is regarded as an Inalienable Right by the People of the Town of Hancock , Delaware County, New York, and;

WHEREAS, the People of the Town of Hancock, Delaware County, New York derive economic benefit from all safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting, and shooting conducted within Hancock using all types of firearms allowable under the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, Hancock Town Board, being elected to represent the People of Hancock and being duty sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate, being elected by the people of the State of New York and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate infringes on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and would ban the possession and use of firearms now employed by individual citizens of the Town of Hancock for defense of Lite, Liberty and Property and would ban the possession and use of firearms now employed for safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting and shooting within the Town of Hancock, Delaware County, New York, and;

WHEREAS, the Town of Hancock Town Board believes there are many other less intrusive means available, other than rash, confusing and inarticulately drafted firearms laws that would effectively control, manage and reduce violence in our society, such as mental health reforms, anti bullying programs m our schools, the enforcement of the existing laws to the fullest extent possible, the addressing of the universal availability of extremely violent video games and movies to our youth and the proper psychological counseling for those in need or who request it;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Hancock does hereby oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms and consider such laws to be unnecessary and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our State representatives, as there is no documented correlation between gun control measures and crime reduction.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk send a certified copy of this resolution to each of the following: President Barack H. Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Congressman Chris Gibson, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, NY State Senator Thomas Libous, and NY State Member of the Assembly Clifford Crouch.

Letter to the Clerk of the Town of Bergen in support of their opposition to the SAFE Act from Assemblyman Steve Hawley

Preliminary Meeting Agenda 031213 by Nathan Hempel

SAFE Act resolution to get full Tompkins Legislature vote

 County lawmakers seeking amendments to N.Y. gun control law

At a special meeting Wednesday night, the lawmakers in attendance from the Public Safety Committee voted to send a resolution introduced by Mike Lane, D-Dryden, to the full legislature.

Lane’s resolution asks the state to solicit concerns about the gun control law from the public, analyze recommendations they receive and consider changes to the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act to eliminate provisions that are unlikely to decrease gun violence and likely to burden law-abiding gun owners.

Like other county meetings on the topic, Wednesday’s event was packed beyond capacity. During public comments, more speakers came out against the NY SAFE Act than in favor of it, but there were a range of opinions expressed.

County lawmakers spent the rest of the meeting discussing different positions the municipality could take on the law.

Though the legislature is controlled by a strong Democratic majority, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have discussed amendments they would like to see.

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Stockport board opposes SAFE Act

The Stockport Town Board has voted unanimously on a resolution calling for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act, the sweeping gun control legislation passed by the State Legislature in January.

The resolution passed by the board charges that the state law curtails constitutional rights and that the town board “affirms support for the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and opposes attempts to infringe on those rights.”

In addition, the resolution takes issue with the state legislation for being approved with “scant public notice, very little public debate or review.” It further states that the town board “believes that an issue of this seriousness and effect should have been granted a respectful and appropriate period of debate, review and consideration.”

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Tusten opposes NY SAFE; Residents speak at public hearing

Supervisor Carol Ropke Wingert said, “The people who crafted this law have no clue what they’re talking about…. They’ve made criminals of good upstanding citizens.”

Councilman Tony Ritter mentioned the importance of holding a public hearing, as was happening that night, as opposed to the NY SAFE Act that was passed without one. He said, “One of the principles that I ran on in 2011 for the position of councilman for the Town of Tusten was the necessity of transparent government.” He went on to say, “This law was hurried and flawed due to emotionally charged events that have recently occurred.”

After it was put to a vote by the board, the resolution was passed unanimously. Similar resolutions have already been passed in other towns in the areas such as Thompson, Cochecton, and Callicoon, Liberty and Deer Park.

Councilman Ned Lang said, “It was great seeing everybody coming out and participating in the democratic process and voicing their opinions.”

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Town of Van Etten opposes NY SAFE act

The Town also passed the resolution that has been going around in opposition to the NY SAFE Act. The resolution voiced their displeasure on the restriction on individual rights, as well as the lack of review by the public and elected officials. The Chemung County Legislature also passed a similar resolution, according to representative Brian Hyland, who was at the Town meeting.

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West Seneca Town Board opposes the NY SAFE Act

The West Seneca Town Board, like many other governmental bodies in New York State, approved a resolution at Monday’s meeting officially opposing the recently enacted NY SAFE Act. Where one stands on the issue of gun control has nothing to do with most of the reasons behind the opposition and will not be debated here.

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