Monthly Archives: April 2013

Hilltowns diverge on SAFE resolution

All four rural Hilltowns have heard from citizens attending board meetings. Knox, Westerlo, and Rensselaerville have passed resolutions on the SAFE Act, and Berne has produced a draft to be revised with a resident’s paragraph acknowledging that some people view the law as an infringement on their right to bear arms.

In Knox and Berne, the resolutions criticized the quick passage of the SAFE Act and lack of public comment.

Thomas Fallati, an attorney for Rensselaerville, said he drafted the language for the resolution passed by the town board, though he was aware of language used in other resolutions throughout the state.

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Lake Luzerne resolution calling for repeal of the SAFE act

Passed unanimously April 29th


Broome County resolution calling for repeal of the SAFE act

Broome County Safe Resolution by Evan Hempel

Dutchess County Pistol Association letter to Cuomo requesting repeal of SAFE act

DCPA Safe Act by Evan Hempel

Town of Colton resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE act


Motion made by Mr. Robert, seconded by Mrs. Hawley to adopt resolution # 11 – 2013, Repeal New York State Safe Act of 2013.

Ayes 3 Hawley, Robert, Shoen
Noes 0
Abstain 2 Bulger, Hayes

Motion carried.

Repeal NYS Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NYS SAFE ACT of 2013)

Resolution # 11 – 2013

WHEREAS, New York State Legislature recently enacted and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law the New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NYS SAFE ACT), and

WHEREAS, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo enacted said law swiftly and without regard of the concerns or opinions of the Citizens of NY State, and

WHEREAS, the haste of our State Legislature and Governor passing this law has resulted in a law which is flawed and affects our State and local law enforcement officers in performing their duties, and

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE ACT is in direct contradiction of our rights under the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and limits the rights of the Citizens of NY State to protect themselves as allowed under this Constitution from this very type of tyranny, and

WHEREAS, because of this law, gun manufacturers are now refusing to sell their firearms to local law enforcement agencies within states which do not allow the citizens of these states the right to own and or bear firearms as protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, and

WHEREAS, the definition of assault weapons as pertained in the NYS SAFE ACT of 2013 is opinionated and without merit, and

WHEREAS, the statistical history of murders committed in NY State show this law would have little or no effect on saving lives, and

WHEREAS, this law affects the rights of thousands of honest law abiding citizens that own and use the firearms that this law would make illegal and cause for mandatory registration of firearms and or magazines that have been used for many years by the citizens of NY State without incident and in fact be punishing these law abiding citizens for fear of the actions of a few, and

WHEREAS, this law will have no affect on the criminally insane or the people of this State that wish to do harm onto others with the use of a firearm as a weapon as there is no regard for laws, regulations or loss of life now when a crime is committed with an unlawful firearm.

SO BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Colton Town Board respectfully submit to the Governor of the State of New York, Andrew M. Cuomo to repeal the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NY SAFE ACT), and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the following: St. Lawrence County Administrator Karen St. Hilaire, St. Lawrence County Legislator Frederick S. Morrill, St. Lawrence County Sheriff Kevin Wells, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Joseph A. Griffo, Senator Patricia A. Ritchie, Senator Elizabeth Little, Congressman Bill Owens, Assemblywoman Addie Russell, Assemblyman Kenneth Blankenbush, Assemblyman Marc Butler, New York State Assembly Leader Sheldon Silver and New York State Senate Leader Dean Skelos.

Albany Police Officers Union, local 2841, Council 82, AFSCME, AFI-CIO

FROM: Albany Police Officers Union, local 2841, Council 82, AFSCME, AFI-CIO, P.O BOX 6567, ALBANY, NEW YORK 12206 (518) 438-9422

To: Andrew M. Cuomo / Dean G. Skelos / Neil D. Breslin / John T- McDonald III / Phil Steck / Sheldon Silver / Jeffrey D. Klein / Cecilia Tkaczyk / Patricia Fahy

Note; see the formal list of people this letter went to at the bottom.

April 15,2013

Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Albany Police Officers Union condemns and opposes the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (the SAFE Act).  Substantively, we believe that it violates fundamental constitutional rights, that it is unduly and purposely burdensome on law-abiding citizens, and” that it will not deter criminals or menially ill individuals from plotting and carrying out bloodshed and violence. Procedurally, we believe that the way in which the bill was rammed into law via an unjustified and expedient “message of necessity”, which circumvents the right and the ability of the citizens of this State to voice their concerns about the bill and have them addressed, is an outrage. This flawed law and the way in which it was rushed and passed, shows the apparent contempt that those who govern have for the governed, and calls into question whether we truly have a representational government. Morally, we believe that this law is about ideology and politics and not about making anyone any safer. We respectfully demand that you do the right thing and repeal the law.

First, while we applaud and support your overall concern for public safety and your desire to improve it. The SAFE Act will not improve public safety. Criminals and the mentally ill will not abide by it, and it is either foolish or dishonest to think or suggest otherwise. While law-abiding citizens will abide by the law and not load a ten-round magazine with more than seven rounds, do you really expect a criminal or mentally ill individual intent on doing violence not load ten rounds into a ten-round magazine? While law-abiding citizens will abide by the law that previously legal thirty-round magazines must be sold within one-year to an out-of-state resident or turn in to local authorities, do you really expect a criminal or mentally ill individual intent on doing violence to sell or turn in his thirty-round magazines? While law-abiding citizens will abide by the law requiring that they register weapons which they already do and which have been deemed “assault weapons”, do you really expect a criminal or mentally ill individual intent on doing violence to do so? Do you really expect a criminal or mentally ill individual intent on doing violence to be concerned about any increase in penalties for shooting first responders? Do you really expect that a mentally ill individual who owns firearms and who is intent on doing violence will voice his intentions to his or her mental health professional and thus put into motion the confiscation of his or her firearms? Do you really expect that a mentally ill individual will “safely store” his firearms? Of course you don’t. Again, only law-abiding citizens, who are not intent on doing violence, will abide the NY SAFE Act criminals and the mentally ill who are intent on doing violence will not do so. The public will not be any safer under this 1aw. What then, have you accomplished?

Second, the SAFE Act carries with it unfair burdens on law abiding citizen. What is the point of making law-abiding citizens register their previously lawfully owned and lawfully used firearms which are now deemed to be “assault weapons”? What is the point of making law-abiding citizens who affirmatively “opt into” protection from public identification that they hold permits or own firearms? What is the point of making law-abiding citizens renew their pistol permits or “assault weapon” registrations every five years? Why are you preemptively punishing those who have done nothing wrong?

Third, we fully believe that the SAFE ACT broad prohibitions against will not withstand constitutional challenge and scrutiny. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides and U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld the right of individuals to possess and carry firearms and to use them for lawful purposes. The SAFE Act, however, infringes on that right as it bans the possession and use of certain firearms that were heretofore possessed and” used lawfully for the defense of life, liberty, and property, and as it bans the possession and use of certain firearms that were heretofore possessed and used lawfully for safe use of firearms recreation, hunting, and shooting.

We as police officers are on the front lines of public safety. Respectfully, none of you are. We see, feel, work, and live with the effects of gun violence in ways that you cannot. We believe that you see gun violence as a means to move your agenda and your ambitions forward. You know that the SAFE Act will not work in the way that you pretend it will. You know that this shameful SAFE Act was about ideology and politics and not about making anyone safer.

Regarding the reduction in violent crime this new legislation is proposed to have, in 2011 the most current year for which FBI crime statistics are available, New York State had 77l homicides, 445 were committed with a firearm, 394 of that 445 were committed with a handgun, 5 were committed with a rifle, 16 were committed with a shotgun, in 30 the firearm type was unknown, 160 were committed with a cutting instrument, 143 were committed with another type of weapon, and 26 were committed with bare hands. We believe based on these statistics, that the SAFE Act will do nothing to reduce violent crime as the primary target of the legislation is the “assault rifle” which would be included statistically with standard rifles and used in less than 1% of New York homicides in 2011. These so called “Assault Weapons” were not used in the commission of one reported crime in Albany County in 2011.

For the reasons set forth above, the Albany Police Union believes that the SAFE Act is wrong – substantively, procedurally, and morally. The SAFE Act infringes on the rights of law-abiding citizens, it will burden and negatively impact firearms ownership by law-abiding citizens and will not affect the willingness of criminals or those who are mentally ill from perpetrating violence. Again, we respectfully demand that each and all of you do the right thing and repeal the law.

Very truly yours,

Thomas Mahar
Albany Police Officers Union, local 2841
Council 82, AFSCME, AFI-CIO


The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
New, York State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

The Honorable Dean G. Skelos
Temporary President
New York State Senate
Legislative Office Building, Room 909
Albany, New York 12247

The Honorable Neil D. Breslin
New York State Senator
172 State Street Room 414, Capitol
Albany, New York 12247

The Honorable John T- McDonald III
New York State Assemblyman
Legislative Office Building, Room 913
Albany, New York 12248

The Honorable Phil Steck
New York State Assemblyman
Legislative Office Building, Room 819
Albany, New York 12248

The Honorable Sheldon Silver
Speaker, New York State Assembly
Legislative Office Building. Room 913
Albany, New York 12248

The Honorable Jeffrey D. Klein
Temporary President
New York State Senate
Legislative Office Building, Room 913
Albany, New York 12247

The Honorable Cecilia Tkaczyk
New York State Senator
Legislative Office Building, Room 311
Albany, New York 12247

The Honorable Patricia Fahy
New York State Assemblywoman
Legislative Office Building, Room 458
Albany, New York 12248

SAFE Act Opposition letter in PDF format

Town of Poestenkill resolution opposing the SAFE Act

Town of Poestenkill by Nathan Hempel

Town of Colton resolution opposing the SAFE Act


Motion made by Mr. Robert, seconded by Mrs. Hawley to adopt resolution # 11 – 2013, Repeal New York State Safe Act of 2013.

Ayes 3 Hawley, Robert, Shoen

Noes 0

Abstain 2 Bulger, Hayes

Motion carried.

Repeal NYS Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013

(NYS SAFE ACT of 2013)

Resolution # 11 – 2013

WHEREAS, New York State Legislature recently enacted and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law the New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NYS SAFE ACT), and

WHEREAS, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo enacted said law swiftly and without regard of the concerns or opinions of the Citizens of NY State, and

WHEREAS, the haste of our State Legislature and Governor passing this law has resulted in a law which is flawed and affects our State and local law enforcement officers in performing their duties, and

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE ACT is in direct contradiction of our rights under the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and limits the rights of the Citizens of NY State to protect themselves as allowed under this Constitution from this very type of tyranny, and

WHEREAS, because of this law, gun manufacturers are now refusing to sell their firearms to local law enforcement agencies within states which do not allow the citizens of these states the right to own and or bear firearms as protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, and

WHEREAS, the definition of assault weapons as pertained in the NYS SAFE ACT of 2013 is opinionated and without merit, and

WHEREAS, the statistical history of murders committed in NY State show this law would have little or no effect on saving lives, and

WHEREAS, this law affects the rights of thousands of honest law abiding citizens that own and use the firearms that this law would make illegal and cause for mandatory registration of firearms and or magazines that have been used for many years by the citizens of NY State without incident and in fact be punishing these law abiding citizens for fear of the actions of a few, and

WHEREAS, this law will have no affect on the criminally insane or the people of this State that wish to do harm onto others with the use of a firearm as a weapon as there is no regard for laws, regulations or loss of life now when a crime is committed with an unlawful firearm.

SO BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Colton Town Board respectfully submit to the Governor of the State of New York, Andrew M. Cuomo to repeal the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (NY SAFE ACT), and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the following: St. Lawrence County Administrator Karen St. Hilaire, St. Lawrence County Legislator Frederick S. Morrill, St. Lawrence County Sheriff Kevin Wells, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Joseph A. Griffo, Senator Patricia A. Ritchie, Senator Elizabeth Little, Congressman Bill Owens, Assemblywoman Addie Russell, Assemblyman Kenneth Blankenbush, Assemblyman Marc Butler, New York State Assembly Leader Sheldon Silver and New York State Senate Leader Dean Skelos.

Resolution Passed in Town of Horicon

Passed unanimously March 21st.


The Entire Town Board introduced Res. No. 56-2013 and moved its adoption, all Ayes:


WHEREAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is guaranteed as an individual right under the second amendment of the United States Constitution and that this right is regarded as an inalienable right of the people of the Town of Horicon; and

WHEREAS, the lawful ownership of firearms is, and has been, a valued tradition in the Town of Horicon, and the rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are exercised by many of our residents; and

WHEREAS, the people of the Town of Horicon derive economic and environmental benefits from all safe forms of recreation involving firearms, including, but not limited to, hunting and target shooting while utilizing all types of firearms available under the Constitution of the United states; and

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE ACT was adopted by the New York State Legislature and signed into law in an unprecedented expedited fashion and completely devoid of any opportunity for our elected State Legislators to study, review and debate the legislation and without any opportunity for the public to comment upon the legislation or to have any input whatsoever upon the legislation; and

WHEREAS, requiring law-abiding gun owners to verify ownership of certain types of firearms every 5 years, in addition to registering them on their permits, which now also must be renewed every 5 years, does not increase the safety of the public and is unnecessarily burdensome to the residents New York State; and

WHEREAS, the only persons who will comply with the new high-capacity magazine ban are law-abiding citizens, leaving the same high-capacity magazines in the hands of those who choose not to obey the law; and

WHEREAS, requiring documentation of all ammunition sales in New York State, as provided for in this legislation is a significant unfunded mandate on businesses; and

WHEREAS, the legislation fails to offer any meaningful solutions to gun violence and places burdens squarely on the backs of law-abiding citizens; and

WHEREAS, while there are some areas of the legislation that the Town Board of the Town of Horicon finds encouraging, such as addressing the glaring shortcomings in the mental health system, the strengthening of Kendra’s law and Mark’s law, as well as privacy protections for certain pistol permit holders, by-and-large, we find the legislation does little more than negatively impact lawful gun ownership;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Horicon does hereby oppose, and request the repeal of, any legislation, including the sections of the NY SAFE ACT (Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2013) which infringe upon the right of people to keep and bear arms; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Horicon strongly encourages the members of the New York State Legislature to hold public hearings to address the issue of gun violence in a way that will produce meaningful results; and be it further

Resolved, that the Clerk of the Town Board of the Town of Horicon be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to forward copies of this resolution to the Governor Andrew Cuomo; Senator Charles E. Schumer; Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand; Congressman William Owens; Senator Elizabeth O’C. Little; and Assemblyman Daniel G. Stec

Full Meeting minutes [PDF]

Town of Moriah Passes Resolution Requesting Repeal of SAFE Act


ON MOTION by Councilman Garrison, seconded by Councilman Salerno, the following resolution was APPROVED

Ayes Garrison, Salerno, Scozzafava, Anderson

Nays 0

WHEREAS, the legislation effectively turns countless New York State law abiding citizens into criminals; and

WHEREAS, while there are some areas of the legislation that the Town of Moriah Town Board finds encouraging, such as addressing glaring shortcomings in the mental health system, the strengthening of Kendra’s Law and Mark’s Law (which provides additional penalties for assaulting first responders), as well as privacy protection for pistol permit holders, by and large, we find the legislation does little more than negatively impact lawful gun ownership;

NOW THERE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Moriah Town Board does hereby demand the repeal of all the sections of the New York SAFE Act which we believe infringes upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms; and in our opinion unconstitutional under both the Federal and State Constitutions; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board strongly encourages the members of the New York State Legislature to hold public hearings to address the issue of gun violence in a way that will produce meaningful results; and be it further

RESOLVED that the Town of Moriah Town Board request the members of the New York State Senate and Assembly who represent all of the Town of Moriah for the repeal of the enactment of the New York SAFE Act.

Discussion: The Board of Supervisors have been beat up over this bill; everyone feels differently about this. We want the State to repeal the bill and start over, but doubts that will happen.

Full meeting minutes [PDF]