Monthly Archives: April 2013

Resolution against SAFE Act passed in Town of Ovid

The Ovid Town Board unanimously passed a resolution calling for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act. A portion of the resolution reads:


By: The Ovid Town Board

WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature recently enacted and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE ACT”); and

WHEREAS, the Legislation is viewed by many citizens of the State of New York as Being extremely controversial as those citizens view this Legislation as infringing upon their rights guaranteed to them under the second Amendment of the United States Constitution; and

WHEREAS, each and every issue that comes before the New York State Legislature before an enactment deserves a fair and open discussion which incorporates all points of view in order to ensure that all citizens are heard and that the Legislation incorporates the various points of view expressed during that discussion and benefits all of the citizens of the State of New York; and

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE ACT was adopted after minimal public discussion contains Serious flaws, I .e. police officers are not exempt and having been on the desks of the Members of the New York State Legislature for only a few hours, thereafter was literally adopted in the night and signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo; and

WHEREAS, in 2011 amendments were made to the Open M meetings Law (Public Officers Law Section 103), requiring a public body prior to a meeting to post on its website, to the extent practicable, for public benefit all records that may be considered or discussed at that meeting; and

WHEREAS, A. 107 has been pre-filed before the New York State Assembly for the 2O13-2014 Regular Session, to amend the Public Officers Law (Sections 84 and 90) in relation to publishing records of public interest by agencies and the State Legislature, reading in part “…The people’s right to know the process of governmental decision-making and to review the documents and statistics leading to determination is basic to our society. .Access to such information should not be thwarted by shrouding it with the cloak of secrecy or confidentiality…” and

WHEREAS, the State of New York has a tradition and long history of conducting its deliberations and debates in the public view and that in the enactment of the NYS SAFE ACT the New York State Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo acted in contradiction of this long, time honored tradition of an open government, and

WHEREAS, the members of the Ovid Town Board at their regular meeting held March 13, 2013 at Ovid, New York wish to express their concern that any legislation which addresses the ownership of guns and the sale of ammunition in the State of New York be conducted only after an open debate pursuant to which the public is allowed to participate and express their points of view, now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Ovid Town Board calls for the repeal of The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE ACT”);

RESOLVED, that the Ovid Town Board support the positions adopted by resolution from the New York State County Clerk’s Association the State Sherriff’s Association.

RESOLVED, that the Ovid Town Board hereby directs that certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to Governor Andrew Cuomo, members of the New York State Legislature, NYSAC, NACo, New State Association of Towns, and each New York State County.

Moved By _  John Hubbard______

Seconded By _ Joseph Borst

Dated _March 13, 2013________ Town Clerk _

James E. Vangalio

James E. Vangalio

Ayes ____4______ Nays ____0______

Full PDF

Resolution Passed in Town of Albion

On April 8th, the Albion Town Board passed a resolution against the SAFE Act.  Supervisor Dennis Stirk, Councilperson Daniel Poprawski and Councilperson Jake Olles voted “aye”. Councilpersons Matthew Passarell and Timothy Neilans abstained.

Resolution #61 Opposition to the Safe Act


WHEREAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is guaranteed as an individual right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; and

WHEREAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty, and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people of the Town of Albion; and

WHEREAS, the lawful ownership of firearms is, and has been, a valued tradition in the Town of Albion, and the rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are exercised by many of our residents; and

WHEREAS, the residents of the Town of Albion derive economic and environmental benefits from all safe forms of recreation involving firearms, including, but not limited to, hunting and target shooting while utilizing all types of firearms available under the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, The Town Board, being elected to represent the residents of the Town of Albion , are duly sworn by their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, members of the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate, being elected by the people of New York State, are duly sworn by their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the enactment of the NY SAFE Act (Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2013) has engendered significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and certain provisions contained within it; and

WHEREAS, it is our understanding that many State Legislators had less than an hour to read the legislation, which contained approximately twenty-five thousand words, before being forced to vote on it; and

WHEREAS, having reviewed the legislation and time constraints, it is our conclusion that there is no possible way any individual could have read the entire bill and understood its full implications prior to voting on it; and

WHEREAS, our State Legislators most certainly could not have had the time to request, and receive, the input of their constituents regarding this matter; and

WHEREAS, seeking and considering, such public input is a standard to which we hold ourselves in the Orleans County Legislature; and

WHEREAS, this legislation has 60 sections, of which only three take effect immediately; and

WHEREAS, in our opinion, there was no reason for the Governor to use a message of necessity to bring this bill to vote immediately and bypass the three day maturing process for all legislation; and

WHEREAS, the mishandling of the process in crafting the NY SAFE Act resulted in complex policy changes, many of which have been left up to interpretation, and are confusing even to the State Legislators who voted on them, and the law enforcement officials who are required to enforce and explain them; and

WHEREAS, requiring law-abiding gun owners to verify ownership of certain types of firearms every five years, in addition to registering them on their permits, which now also must be renewed every 5 years, does not increase the safety of the public and is unnecessarily burdensome to the residents of New York State; and

WHEREAS, there will be a significant financial impact due to the approximately 5,300 Orleans County permits that will have to be renewed requiring additional manpower and computer systems; and

WHEREAS, this legislation prohibits the sale of firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds; and

WHEREAS, those firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds, which are authorized to be retained by existing owners, may only be loaded with seven rounds and eventually must be permanently altered to only accept seven rounds or be disposed of, thus constituting a seizure of legally owned personal property with no provision for compensation; and

WHEREAS, few or no low capacity (7 rounds or less) magazines currently exist for many of the firearms commonly possessed by law-abiding residents of New York State; and

WHEREAS, limiting the number of rounds to seven versus ten is arbitrary and capricious, has no correlation to public safety, unfairly burdens law-abiding gun owners, and puts an undue burden on gun manufacturers to retool their manufacturing plants; and

WHEREAS, the only persons who will comply with the new high-capacity magazine ban are law-abiding citizens, leaving the same high-capacity magazines in the hands of those who choose not to obey the law; and

WHEREAS, requiring documentation of all ammunition sales in New York State, as provided for in this legislation, is a significant unfunded mandate on business; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Combined Ballistic Identification System, which wasted $44 million in taxpayer money and resulted in zero convictions, illustrates the propensity of government to waste taxpayer resources when legislation is not properly reviewed; and

WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo has proposed spending $36 million dollars in his 2013-2014 Executive budget for the implementation of the NY SAFE Act at a time when New York State residents are crying out for tax relief; and

WHEREAS, this legislation severely impacts the possession and use of firearms now employed by the residents of the Town of Albion for defense of life, liberty, and property; and

WHEREAS, this legislation severely impacts the possession and use of firearms now employed for safe forms of recreation including, but not limited to, hunting and target shooting; and

WHEREAS, while there are some areas of the legislation that the Albion Town Board finds encouraging, such as addressing glaring shortcomings in the mental health system, the strengthening of Kendra’s Law and Mark’s law, as well as privacy protections for certain pistol permit holders, by-and-large, we find the legislation does little more than negatively impact lawful gun ownership; and

WHEREAS, this legislation fails to offer any meaningful solutions to gun violence and places increased burdens where they do not belong, squarely on the backs of law-abiding citizens; and

WHEREAS, this legislation effectively turns countless New York State law-abiding gun owners into criminals; and

WHEREAS, the manner in which this legislation was brought forward for vote in the State Legislature is deeply disturbing to the Albion Town Board; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Albion Town Board does hereby oppose, and request the repeal of, any legislation, including the sections within the NY SAFE Act (Chapter1 of the Laws of 2013), which infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board considers such laws to be unnecessary and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our State representatives; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Albion Town Board strongly encourages members of the New York State Legislature to hold public hearings to address the issue of gun violence in a way that will produce meaningful results; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Albion Town Board requests the members of the New York State Senate and Assembly who represent all, or part of, Orleans County to reply, in writing, with their views on, and actions taken, in support of, or opposition to, the NY SAFE Act; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Charles Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Chris Collins, New York State Senator George Maziarz, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, New York State Assembly members Steve Hawley and Jane Corwin, NYSAC, InterCounty of Western New York and all other deemed necessary and proper.

Resolution duly adopted by the following vote:

Councilperson Daniel Poprawski, aye

Councilperson Timothy Neilans, abstain

Supervisor Dennis Stirk, aye

Councilperson Jake Olles, aye

Councilperson Matthew Passarell, abstain

PDF Format

Village of Norwood resolution opposing the NY SAFE act

PO BOX 182
Norwood NY 13668

Village of Norwood Regular Board Meeting held April 15, 2013.


WHEREAS, the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States, specifically the Second Amendment of the Constitution, guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms and states further that that right “shall not be infringed”, and

WHEREAS, all individuals, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil or uniform services, take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and

WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case District of Columbia v. Heller (554 U.S. 570), decided June 26, 2008, held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, and

WHEREAS, in another landmark decision the same Supreme Court, in the case McDonald v.Chicago, decided June 28, 2010, held that the right of an individual to “keep and bear arms” is protected by the Second Amendment and further, “is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and applies to the states”, and

WHEREAS, many of the residents of the Village of Norwood, St. Lawrence County, have expressed their displeasure not only with the provisions of the NY SAFE Act itself, but also the manner and method used to bring it to the floor and vote it into law, and

WHEREAS, using a message of necessity to bring forth and enact a law that has dozens of sections and changes in current laws, but only three of which take effect immediately, negates the argument that the speed with which this bill was brought forward was necessary, and

WHEREAS, the sheer size of the bill, the extent of the many new changes it brings and the very short time that the bill was made available to the New York State Senate and Assembly for review, effectively precluded discussion and debate on the provisions set forth in the bill, preventing the mature development of arguments, both for and against, and

WHEREAS, in an attempt to bring forth meaningful solutions for dealing with or preventing gun violence, this legislation and the majority of its provisions affect law abiding gun owners in negative and unnecessary ways and they were not given the opportunity to express their views or otherwise comment on the bill, and

WHEREAS, while there are provisions of the bill that have merit, for example, increased penalty for killing emergency responders, NICS checks for private sales of firearms, safe storage provisions, mental health record review, and increased penalties for the illegal use of a weapon, other provisions of the law, which run roughshod over second amendment rights, must be reconsidered and a new law should be introduced in a transparent manner, and it must be given the time necessary to review its provisions, engage in meaningful and constructive debate and allow public review, comment and input relative to the content of the bill, and

WHEREAS, the New York SAFE Act, as passed, will require County Clerks to carry out several provisions of the law but fails to address the responsibility for funding those additional duties, thus inflicting another unfunded mandate on already cash strapped counties,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Norwood joins with the many other government entities in opposing those portions of the NY SAFE Act which infringe upon the rights of lawful gun owners and does little to address the underlying issues that confront our society as a whole, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Board strongly encourages the members of the New York State Legislature to bring forth a bill that addresses the real problems confronted by today’s society and not jeopardize the rights of law abiding citizens, and allow time for public comment, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Patty Ritchie, Senator Joseph Griffo, Senator Elizabeth O’C. Little, Assemblyman Kenneth Blankenbush, Assemblywoman Addie Russell, Assemblyman Marc Butler, and Assemblywoman Janet Duprey.

Adopted on motion made by Trustee Jim Besaw, seconded by Trustee Timothy Levison; Ayes 3, Nays 0, Absent 1.

I certify this to be a true copy of the resolution adopted at the regular Village Board meeting held April 15, 2013 on file with this office.

Susan Bartlett, Village Clerk

Town of Petersburgh resolution opposing the NY SAFE act

APRIL 15TH, 2013



WHERAS, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is guaranteed as an individual right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of New York; and

WHEREAS, the Petersburgh Town Board, being elected to represent the people of the Town of Petersburgh and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States and State of New York Constitutions; and

WHEREAS, certain legislation passed by the New York State Assembly and Senate infringes on the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms and would be a ban on firearms in the possession and use by the people of the Town of Petersburgh and be a ban on the lawful use of certain firearms in the Town of Petersburgh; and

WHEREAS, there are other less restrictive and intrusive means of reducing gun violence; and

WHEREAS, there is no proven correlation between firearms control legislation and the reduction of crime; and

WHEREAS, The Petersburgh Town Board does hereby affirm support for the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the rights afforded to residents under the Constitution, and opposes attempts to infringe on those rights; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, the Petersburgh Town Board affirms support for the Second Amendment, and states opposition to the legislation (NY SAFE Act) adopted by the State Legislature restricting the rights of gun owners, and opposes attempts on the Federal level to implement new restrictions on these rights; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That the Petersburgh Town Clerk is hereby directed to transmit certified copies of this resolution to U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Representative Paul Tonko, U.S. Representative Chris Gibson, Governor Andrew Cuomo, State Senator Kathy Marchione, Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, Assemblyman John McDonald, and the Rensselaer County Legislature.

The above resolution was offered by Councilman Goodermote, seconded by Supervisor Krahforst, and roll call showed the following results:

Supervisor Siegfried Krahforst Aye
Councilman Seel Aye
Councilman Snyder Aye
Councilman Alderman Absent
Councilman Goodermote Aye

Supervisor Krahforst declared that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted.

Village of Holley Passes Resolution


At the April 9th, 2013, board meeting, the Village of Holley unanimously passed a resolution in opposition to the SAFE Act and requesting it’s repeal. Holley is located in Orleans County.

 Village of Holley

Wellsville town councilmen call state gun law illegal

Arguing the people’s Second Amendment rights are being violated, Wellsville town leaders joined the opposition to the NY SAFE Act gun restriction law passed in Albany in January.

“Gov. (Andrew) Cuomo, the state Senate and the state Assembly have, in my opinion, have grievously violated our Second Amendment rights and passed illegal legislation that violates the oath of office that we took,” said Councilman Shad Alsworth. “I feel that every one of us has a duty to protect the oath we took when we took office. This resolution may be deemed illegal according to some statements that I’ve researched. The New York state Constitution was violated by our governor. It was violated by the state Assembly. It was violated by the state Senate.”

Another argument made in the resolution, passed unanimously Wednesday by the five councilmen, was the SAFE Act was passed on a false claim of “necessity” following the killing of more than 25 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

Read more…

Resolution against mandatory firearm liability insurance passed by Chemung County and the Town of Catlin


Resolution opposing pending New York State legislation (Senate bill S2353 and Assembly bill A3908 of 2013) which amends the New York State Insurance Law to require owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance

By: Graubard
Seconded by: Brennan

WHEREAS, legislation has been introduced by New York State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, that would amend the New York State Insurance Law requiring all owners of firearms to obtain not less than one million dollars in liability insurance; and

WHEREAS, such legislation infringes upon the Second Amendment rights of our residents to keep and bear arms; and

WHEREAS, said liability insurance would be to specifically cover any damages resulting from any negligent or willful act involving the use of a firearm;  and

WHEREAS, such legislation also states that failure to maintain such insurance shall result in the immediate revocation of such owner’s registration, license and any other privilege to own such firearm; and

WHEREAS, said liability insurance is not readily available, as insurance policies generally exclude damages from willful acts; and

WHEREAS, requiring law-abiding gun owners to obtain liability insurance is unnecessarily burdensome to the residents of New York State; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature opposes any effort by the New York State Legislature to amend the New York State Insurance Law to require owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Thomas O’Mara, Assemblymen Felix Ortiz, Christopher Friend and Philip Palmesano, the New York State Association of Counties, and the Inter-County Association of Western New York.

Ayes: Pastrick, Manchester, Sweet, Brennan, Graubard, Hyland, Milliken, Woodard, Hitchcock, Bennett, Jackson, Milazzo, Strange, Draxler (Chair) (14); Excused: Madl (1); Opposed: None

Passed by Chemung County Legislature on April 8, 2013.

Same resolution passed unanimously by Catlin Town Board on April 11, 2013.

Town of Catlin resolution opposing the NY SAFE act

On April 11th, the Town Board for the Town of Catlin in Chemung County unanimously adopted a strong resolution in opposition to the New York Safe Act. The Board also unanimously adopted another resolution, this one in opposition to legislation proposed by Assemblyman Felix Ortiz requiring firearms owners to carry liability insurance. This was the same resolution adopted by the full Chemung County Legislature on April 8th. The text of the resolution in opposition to the unSAFE Act follows:

RESOLUTION: Resolution opposed to infringement on the right of the people to keep and bear arms

By Town Board of Catlin, New York- Resolution opposed to infringement on the Right of the People to keep and bear arms
this (11th day of April 2013).

Resolved by: C. Edwards

Second by: Council member(s): D. Voorhees

WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed as an Individual Right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms for defense of Life, Liberty, and Property is regarded as an Inalienable Right by the People of The Town of Catlin, Chemung County, New York, and:

WHEREAS, the People of the Town of Catlin, Chemung County, New York, derive benefit from all safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting, and shooting conducted within Catlin using all types of firearms allowable under the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the Catlin Town Board, being elected to represent the People of Catlin and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate, being elected by the People of the State of New York and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York, and;

WHEREAS, legislation passed in the night, 6 hours after introduced, without any public notice or opportunity for comment by the citizens effected, by the New York Assembly and Senate infringes on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and;

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE ACT bans the possession and use of firearms now employed by individual citizens of the Town of Catlin, for defense of Life, Liberty, Property, and would ban the possession and use of firearms now employed for safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting and shooting conducted within the Town of Catlin, Chemung County, New York;

WHEREAS, the Catlin Town Board believes there are many other less intrusive means available, other than rash, confusing, and inarticulately drafted firearms laws that would effectively, control, manage, and reduce violence in our society, such as, mental health reforms, enforcement of existing firearms laws to the fullest extent possible, and proper psychological counseling for those in need or who request it;

NOW, THEREFORE, IT BE AND IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Catlin Town Board does hereby oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the Right of the People to keep and bear arms and consider such laws to be unnecessary and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our State representatives, as there is no documented correlation between these gun control measures and crime reduction.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Senator Charles Schumer, Congressman Tom Reed, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Lieutenant Gov. Robert Duffy, Senator Thomas O’Mara, Assemblyman Phillip Palmesano, Legislator John Pastrick, County Executive Tom Santulli.

Supervisor Edwards Yes
Council Member Silvernail Yes
Council Member Radford Yes
Council Member Voorhees Yes

ABSENT: Council Member Austin

Town of Livingston resolution calling for repeal of the SAFE act


Motion to request law makers to repeal the safe act.

A motion was made by Councilman Leto seconded by Councilman Guzzi to request the Governor and Law makers to repeal the safe act.

                                                Vote 5 Aye 0 No

Passed unanimously

Town of Berlin resolution opposing the NY SAFE act



WHEREAS, This Legislative Body has long advocated for protection of the rights afforded to citizens under the Constitution, which has for generations guided our Nation and served as a framework to our democracy and society; and

WHEREAS, The Second Amendment of the United States provides for the “right of the people to keep and bear arms” and further states that this right “shall not be infringed”; and

WHEREAS, The New York State Legislature has recently adopted legislation (NY SAFE Act) proposed by the Governor to curtail these rights through the enactment of various anti-gun measures that will significantly impact legal gun owners and various businesses and suppliers of guns and related supplies and equipment; and

WHEREAS, This legislation was approved with scant public notice, very little public debate or review by State Lawmakers, and in the days since the legislation was introduced and enacted, concerns have arisen regarding various matters of law and potential defects in the legislation; and

WHEREAS, As New York State already has some of the toughest legislation in the Country, including the Sullivan Act, and concerns have been voiced that this legislation will not improve public safety in the state, including concerns by Legislators who initially supported the legislation; and

WHEREAS, Additionally, Federal Lawmakers and the President are considering legislation or executive orders that would infringe on the Second Amendment; and

WHEREAS, This legislation will affect the rights of the many law-abiding gun owners in Berlin, Rensselaer County and New York State who are granted the right to keep and bear arms under the Constitution; and

WHEREAS, This legislation also does not adequately address regulation Of those who are dangerously mentally ill and the many acts of violence committed by criminals who are likely to ignore this legislation, and does not address the concerns of many residents, particularly those in rural communities to possess firearms for the purpose of home or self defense;and

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body does hereby affirm support for the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the rights afforded to residents under the Constitution, and opposes attempts to infringe on those rights; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body affirms support for the Second Amendment, and states opposition to the legislation (NY SAFE Act) adopted by the State Legislature restricting the rights of gun owners, and opposes attempts on the Federal level to implement new restrictions on these rights; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That the Clerk of this Legislative Body is hereby directed to transmit certified copies of this resolution to U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Representative Paul Tonko, U. S. Representative Chris Gibson, Governor Andrew Cuomo, State Senator Kathy Marchione, Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin and Assemblyman John McDonald.

Vote: Supervisor Jaeger YES
Councilwoman Cinney YES
Councilman Maxon YES
Councilman Winn YES
Councilman DeLeon YES

Motion Carried YES__5__ NO__0__

Dated: April 11,2013

Passed unanimously