Town of Montgomery resolution opposing the SAFE act

Resolution – 2nd Amendment

Supervisor Hayes – We have a Resolution in support of the 2nd Amendment. We talked about this last week and it is in the Board’s
correspondence package. I also copied the resolution that Ken Valk dropped off last week from Ulster County. That has all been copied to the Board. The two resolutions have much of the same language. This is in support of the 2nd Amendment and it really came about by the new law that was passed. Not only what it did in regards to the registering of your weapons and what they were going to outlaw, but also the fact that it was discussed all within a ½ hour.

A Motion by Councilman Dempsey, Jr., seconded by Councilman Hoyt that the Town Board of the Town of Montgomery adopts the Resolution in support of the 2nd Amendment.

Roll Call: 5 Ayes/0 Nays Motion Carried unanimously: 5-0

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