This site is dedicated to compiling New York Town and County resolutions both for and against the NY SAFE Act of 2013 as well as related news.
The magnitude of citizen and local government opposition to Governor Cuomo’s SAFE Act is an unprecedented event in New York State’s centuries old history. Since 1777, when George Clinton was inaugurated as the first Governor of New York, never have so many local government bodies, representing millions of state residents, publicly united in opposition to a state law, as have united to reject Governor Cuomo’s SAFE Act…an unsafe law, widely recognized and denounced as misguided and unenforceable by citizens, elected officials, law enforcement leaders, and state and federal groups and organizations…a blanket law, ill-designed to target all state citizens, doing little more than restricting civil rights, rather than addressing actual gun-related criminal and mental health issues…a hurried law, enacted through the improper, unnecessary “Message of Necessity”, used to avoid public review, transparency, and intelligent debate…a failed law that must be repealed.
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