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- Jim Trunk on Town of Pleasant Valley resolution calling for repeal of NY SAFE act.
- Limiting Liberty: How Governments Capitalize on Tragedy | PirateTimes on Resolutions
- What impact have SAFE Act gun laws had in Dutchess County? – Poughkeepsie Journal | Harvard Review on Dutchess County Deputy Sheriffs PBA statement on NY SAFE act
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Greene County Seal resolution
Posted in County Seal, Resolutions, Resolutions opposing
Tagged CountySeal, GreeneCounty, Passed
Warren County wants no part of Safe Act
Warren County supervisors don’t want county gun owners to think they had anything to do with the state’s controversial Safe Act gun laws.
County supervisors followed the lead of others around upstate New York who have requested that State Police not use county letterheads or seals when sending out paperwork to handgun owners to renew their pistol permits.
Handgun owners around the state will receive renewal forms in the coming months, as part of a Safe Act change requiring that permits be renewed every five years.
Those forms were supposed to show some sort of county letterhead or emblem such as the county seal of the county in which the permit holder lives, but when word was received by county officials, they began voicing opposition it.
Board: NY can’t use Ontario County seal on SAFE Act material
The Ontario County Board of Supervisors acted unanimously Thursday night – after the single spirited discussion of the evening – to preclude New York State from using the Ontario County seal on any correspondence involving New York’s newest gun-control legislation, the SAFE Act.
“In recent discussions, the state has indicated an interest in using the Seal of Ontario County and the names of the offices of the Ontario County Sheriff and Ontario County Clerk in pistol permit recertification notices,” the resolution notes, adding that the sheriff and county clerk “have voiced their strong objection to this request and suggestion.”
Livingston County wants no role in state’s SAFE Act mailings
The Livingston County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution Wednesday opposing the state’s use of the county seal on any correspondence related to the New York SAFE Act sent to pistol permit holders.
State Police last month began mailing pistol permit recertification letters to handgun owners. The letters are sent on stationary with the seal or letterhead of the county in which the pistol permit holder resides.
The resolution “denies the State of New York permission to use the name, letterhead, address, logo or seal of the County of Livingston, the Livingston County Sheriff and the Livingston County Clerk for purposes of correspondence with or notices to legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or for any other purposes associated with the SAFE Act,” according to the resolution text.
Orange County resolution opposing the use of the county seal
WHEREAS, Chapter 1 of the laws of 2013, known as the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (“NY SAFE Act”) was signed into law by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on January 15, 2013. The NY SAFE Act amends various provisions of New York Law in relation to firearms and ammunition; and
WHEREAS, the Orange County Legislature has vehemently opposed the NY SAFE Act, by Resolutions Nos. 50, 72 and 233 of 2013, (attached hereto and made a part hereof), given its impact on: (i) an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, (ii) the undue burdens the NY SAFE ACT places on local governments to implement its provisions, and (iii) the lack of state funding; and
WHEREAS, it has come to this Legislature’s attention that New York State agencies have expressed their intention to issue pistol permit “recertification” notices utilizing the seals of the respective counties of residence of pistol permit holders; and
WHEREAS, the New York Sate Association of County Clerks and many counties have gone on record opposing the New York State’s unauthorized use of their county seals and the name and likeness of county elected officials, without consent, for purposes of implementing the NY SAFE ACT; and
WHEREAS, Orange County Local Law No. 11 of 1999, entitled “A Local Law Regulating the Use of the Official Name, Seal and Authority of the County of Orange,” prohibits the use of any official county position, or title or the use of name, seal, flag, title, letterhead, symbols, property, facilities or resources of the government of the County of Orange for any private or “non-county purpose” or in connection with any private or non-county function, . . . ,” without prior authorization.
RESOLVED, that the Orange County Legislature does hereby oppose the use of the Orange County official name, seal, letterhead and authority of the County of Orange and the name and likeness of county elected officials without the expressed written consent of the County of Orange; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Orange County Legislature is hereby directed to send certified copies of this Resolution to the Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, Senate Vice President Pro Team George D. Maziarz; Senate Temporary President Dean G. Skelos, Senate Deputy Majority Leader Thomas W. Libous, Senator Gregory R. Ball, Senator John J. Bonacic, Senator William J. Larkin, Member of the Assembly Aileen M. Gunther, Member of the Assembly James Skoufis, Member of the Assembly Claudia Tenney, Member of the Assembly Frank Skartados, Speaker of the Assembly Sheldon Silver, Assembly Majority Leader Joseph D. Morelle, Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb, and all others deemed necessary and proper.
Posted in County Seal, Resolutions, Resolutions opposing
Tagged CountySeal, OrangeCounty, Passed
Genesee County resolution to deny the use of County insignia on any material concerning the SAFE Act
[A]t the Ways and means meeting, the legislature approved a resolution to deny the use of County insignia on any material concerning the SAFE Act.
The legislature formally called for the gun control law’s repeal a year ago. Now it’s joined the chorus in not using the county or sheriff’s seal or letterhead on any application for pistol permit recertification as part of the SAFE Act’s implementation.
Resolution Denying the Use of the Onondaga County Seal or any Other Marks Identifying the County by the State of New York Without the Consent of Onondaga County
NO. 022 Resolution Denying the Use of the Onondaga County Seal or any Other Marks Identifying the County by the State of New York Without the Consent of Onondaga County (12 Kilmartin, Dougherty, Corl, Tassone. Rapp, Plochocki, Liedka, Holmquist, Knapp, Jordan, May. McMahon -4 Ervin, Ryan, Chase, Williams -1 Shepard)
February 4, 2014
Motion Made By Mr. Jordan RESOLUTION NO. 022
WHEREAS, the NY SAFE Act (Chapter I of the Laws of 2013) amended various provisions of New York Law in relation to firearms and ammunition; and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 45-2013, this Onondaga County Legislature did indicate its opposition to the NY SAFE Act and called for its immediate repeal, finding that such legislation improperly infringed upon the constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights of county residents, failed to follow the statutorily prescribed process for passage, and created additional unfunded mandates for counties; and
WHEREAS, by its own terms, the NY SAFE Act requires the New York State Police to administer the recertification process for pistol licenses and to send out a notice to such license holders, and it is the understanding of this Onondaga County Legislature that some agencies of the State of New York have expressed the intention to issue pistol permit recertification notices utilizing the seals of the respective counties of residence of pistol permit holders, including seals and identification marks belonging to Onondaga County; and
WHEREAS, such seals and identification marks are the exclusive property of Onondaga County, to be used only for county purposes at the direction of the appropriate Onondaga County officials; and
WHEREAS, the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office and the Onondaga County Clerk have also expressed concern with the proposed use of such seals and identification marks by the New York State Police in the recertification process; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that this Onondaga County Legislature objects strongly and forcefully to the use of the several seals and identification marks belonging to Onondaga County by the State of New York and its agencies; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that this Onondaga County Legislature denies the State of New York and its agencies permission to use the name, letterhead, address, seal and any other mark identifying an Onondaga County official for any purpose, including, but not limited to, correspondence with legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act and its enforcement; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Onondaga County Legislature is directed to cause copies of this resolution to be transmitted to the Governor of the State of New York, the Superintendent of the New York State Police, the several legislators representing Onondaga County at the state level, and to the legislature of every county located within the State of New York.
Posted in County Seal, Resolutions, Resolutions opposing
Tagged CountySeal, OnondagaCounty, Passed
Saratoga County passes resolution to deny Cuomo permission to use the seal of the County of Saratoga
[The] board unanimously approved 15 of the 16 resolutions before them with minimal discussion. The exception to this was resolution number 31, which proposed to ‘deny the State of New York permission to use the seal of the County of Saratoga, the Saratoga County Sheriff and the Saratoga County Clerk for any purpose associated with the New York State SAFE act.’ The controversial SAFE act requires licensed gun owners to recertify all firearms within a period of five years. The resolution passed. Voting against the resolution were Supervisors Peter Martin of Saratoga Springs and supervisor Preston Jenkins of Moreau.
Orleans County won’t let county seal be used in SAFE Act enforcement
Orleans County won’t let the State of New York use the county seal for any enforcement efforts with the SAFE Act, a controversial gun control measure approved by the State Legislature and Gov. Andrew Cuomo last January.
State officials want to use county seals with the state seal on pistol recertification notices. Orleans doesn’t want its seal associated with the SAFE Act.
The county also doesn’t want to devote its resources, whether law enforcement or at the county clerks’ office, to enforcing and processing the SAFE Act.
Dutchess County executive Marcus Molinaro issues executive order denying NY state usage of the County Seal
Marcus Molinaro
Politician · 5,659 Likes
Today I issued Executive Order #2 of 2014 affirming that in accordance with county law, the county charter and county code only the Executive and Legislature can assign use of the County Seal.
Post by Marcus Molinaro.
Posted in County Seal, Resolutions, Resolutions opposing
Tagged CountySeal, DutchessCounty, ExecutiveOrder