Resolution No.2: Americanism
Originated: Americanism Committee of the Dee Victor Thomas Post, 1155, of the Department of New York
WHEREAS, The Preamble of The Constitution of The American Legion states, ” … We associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America … “; and
WHEREAS, The Second Amendment to the Constitution affirms and the United States Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld the right of individuals to possess and carry firearms and to use them for lawful purposes; and
WHEREAS, The New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (the SAFE “Act”) infringes on that right as it bans the possession and use of certain firearms that were heretofore possessed and used lawfully for defense of life, liberty and property, and as it bans the possession and use of certain firearms that were heretofore possessed and used lawfully for safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting, and shooting; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Dee Victor Thomas Post, 1155 of The American Legion Department of New York in regular meeting assembled in Fillmore, New York, on April 27, 2013; and, be it finally
RESOLVED, That The American Legion respectfully demands that the SAFE ACT be repealed.