Tag Archives: Passed

Town of Solon resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE act

Calling for the Repeal of the New York Secure Ammunition and
Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE Act”)

WHEREAS, the lawful ownership of firearms is, and has been, a valued tradition in Cortland County, and the rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United State Constitution are exercised by many of our residents; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Solon acknowledges that in 2008, the Supreme Court established, via District of Columbia vs Heller, that the Second Amendment does not limit laws regulating the sales of guns, or prohibit possession of guns by the mentally ill or by felons, nor does it prohibit penalties against the carrying of guns in schools and government buildings; and

WHEREAS. the enactment of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE Act”) has engendered significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and certain provisions contained within it; and

WHEREAS, it is our understanding that many State Legislators had less than an hour to read the legislation, which contained approximately Iwenty-five thousand words, before being forced to vote on it; and …

Full resolution:

Solon Resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE act by Evan Hempel

Date of passage unknown.


The Yates County Republican Committee, along with many other Local Citizens and Area Groups, is outraged at Governor Cuomo’s unprecedented attack on our Second Amendment Rights. The unfunded mandates and the processes by which the ‘SAFE’ Legislation was forced upon us Is reprehensible.

Consider this; we in the Finger Lakes Region have taken well over a year now to conduct numerous studies, public hearings and debate over the ‘Fracking’ Issue in New York. This is a Technology which has the potential to re-vitalize our State’s economy and lower Energy Costs. This is a Technology which we continue to study and fail to resolve this vital Issue. Why is there such abundant time for Debate on this critical Issue, yet a full on assault of our Second Amendment rights must be rammed down our throats almost overnight?

This new Law was pushed through the Legislative Process by Gov. Cuomo with no studies, no public hearings, no input from Law Enforcement, no consultation with Elected Officials and no Public Hearings. Yet, it was immediately signed into Law by Gov. Cuomo, who did so ignoring the usual three day requirement for Elected Representatives to be able to review the Legislation and receive feedback from their constituents.
Let there be no mistake about it, this was not only an attack on our Constitutional right to bear arms, it was yet another attack on our basic Freedom and our right of Representation.

This Law has nothing at all to do with the safety and security of children, first responders or average Citizens. It is an attempt by the Governor to further his own Political ambitions.

The incident in Connecticut was about the failure of the Mental Health System. The incident in Webster was about a violent felon being released from prison when he should have served the rest of his life there.

This Law will simply create more victims, and those victims might well be people who were once Law Abiding Citizens.

The right of self defense is an inherent right, bestowed upon us by our Creator. It is not “granted” to us by elitist, Ruling Class Politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Sheldon Silver or, apparently, by some of our own “Republican” Representatives to be denied us when they see fit.

George Washington said, “Do not be misled; a Free People ought not only be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own Government.”

Therefore, our position at the YRC is:
*We condemn the NYS Safe Act
*We condemn the process by which it was passed
*We condemn the unfunded Mandates the State Government continuously burdens Local Governments with
*We will work tirelessly to see this Law overturned
*We demand that the unfunded Mandates stop

We commend, and will support those Elected Officials with the courage to oppose this misguided Law and will Publicly condemn those Elected Officials who support the “Safe Act” and the unfunded Mandates

We will seek Citizens to run for Public Office who support the Constitution and replace those Politicians who will not support the repeal of this Law

We seek the support of the Yates County Legislature in pursuit of these goals. This is a very serious matter of preserving our Constitutional Rights, our Freedom and our very fabric as a Free Society, ….of preserving our Country.

It starts here. It starts now.

From: http://www.yatesrepublicanparty.org/safe_act.htm
Time of passage unknown.

Town of Boonville resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE act

Excellent resolution, passed unanimously!

Boonville Resolution0001
Boonville Resolution0002

Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE act

Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc., Resolution Calling for the Repeal of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE Act”)

WHEREAS, the Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc, consisting of nine clubs with over eight hundred Members in Cortland New York, and

WHEREAS, the lawful ownership of firearms is, and has been, a valued tradition in Cortland County, and the rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are exercised by our Members; and

WHEREAS, the Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. acknowledges that in 2008, the Supreme Court established, via District of Columbia vs Heller, that the Second Amendment does not limit laws regulating the sales of guns, or prohibit possession of guns by the mentally ill or by felons, nor does it prohibit penalties against the carrying of guns in schools
and government buildings; and

WHEREAS, the enactment of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE Act”) has engendered significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and certain provisions contained within it; and

WHEREAS, it is our understanding that many State Legislators had less than an hour to read the legislation, which contained approximately twenty-five thousand words, before being forced to vote on it; and

WHEREAS, our State Legislators most certainly could not have read the entire bill and understood its full implications prior to voting on it, nor had time to request and receive the input of their constituents regarding this matter; and

WHEREAS, this legislation has 60 sections, of which only three take effect immediately; and

WHEREAS, in our opinion, there was no reason for the Governor to have used a message of necessity to bring this bill to vote immediately and bypass the three day maturing process for all legislation; and

WHEREAS, the rushed process in drafting the NY SAFE Act resulted in complex policy changes, many of which have been left up to interpretation, are confusing, and were not thoroughly considered; and

WHEREAS, requiring law-abiding gun owners to verify ownership of certain types of firearms every five years, in addition to registering them on their permits, which now also must be renewed every 5 years, does not increase the safety of the public and is unnecessarily burdensome to law-abiding gun owners of New York State; and

WHEREAS, there will be significant financial and time impact to the law-abiding gun owners who will now have to renew their pistol permits every 5 years at a cost, and significant financial and time impact to the Counties if they are mandated to become responsible for the 5 year re-certification process; and

WHEREAS, this legislation prohibits the sale of firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds; and

WHEREAS, those firearm magazines with a capacity larger than seven rounds, which are authorized to be retained by existing owners, may only be loaded with seven rounds and eventually must be permanently altered to only accept seven rounds or be disposed of, thus constituting a seizure of legally owned personal property with no provision for compensation; and

WHEREAS, few or no low capacity (7 rounds or less) magazines currently exist for many of the firearms commonly possessed by law-abiding residents of New York State; and

WHEREAS, limiting the number of rounds to seven versus ten is arbitrary and capricious; has no correlation to public safety, unfairly burdens law-abiding gun owners; and puts an undue burden on gun manufacturers to retool their manufacturing plants; and

WHEREAS, the only persons who will comply with the new high-capacity magazine ban are law abiding citizens, leaving the same high-capacity magazines in the hands of those who choose not to obey the law; and

WHEREAS, the NY SAFE Act does not ban semi-automatic firearms, but only bans military features on semi-automatic firearms such as a pistol grip, a lug allowing acceptance of a bayonet, or an adjustable stock to allow the gun to fit more than one size person; and

WHEREAS, not allowing these features on semi-automatic firearms will do little, if anything, to reduce gun violence; and

WHEREAS, requiring documentation of all ammunition sales in New York State, as provided for in this legislation, is a significant and unfunded mandate on business; and

WHEREAS, while there are some areas of the legislation that the Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. finds encouraging the strengthening of Kendra’s law and Mark’s law, as well as privacy protections for certain of pistol permit holders, many other provision do little more than negatively impact lawful gun owners; and

WHEREAS, the legislation fails to offer any meaningful solution to gun violence and places increased burdens where they do not belong, on the back of law-abiding citizens and as unfunded mandates for county governments; and

WHEREAS, this legislation has the potential to turn New York State law-abiding gun owners into criminals; and

WHEREAS, the manner in which this legislation was brought forward for a vote in the State Legislature is deeply disturbing, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. requests the repeal New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 (“NY SAFE Act”) for the reasons mentioned in the preceding paragraphs of this resolution; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. strongly encourages members of the New York State Legislature to hold public hearings to address the issue of gun violence in a way that will produce meaningful results; and be it further

RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senate Temporary President Dean Skelos, Senator Jeff Klein, State Senator James Seward, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, and Assembly persons Barbara Lifton, Gary Finch, and Brian Kolb.

Gary Davis President, Cortland County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc.

Date of passage unknown.

NYSACC Western Region County Clerks oppose use of county seals by New York State


RESOLVED, that the NYSACC Western Region County Clerks representing Allegany, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and Wyoming Counties deny the State of New York State Police permission to use the Name, Seal of the County, letterhead or address for purposes of correspondence with or notices to legal and registered gun owners regarding permit recertification or for any other purpose associated with the SAFE Act, and be it further.

RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution are forwarded to the New York State Association of County Clerks Legislative Committee and a copy kept in the office of each of the County Clerks representing the Western Region of New York.


New York State Association of Counties 2nd resolution opposing NY SAFE


2013 NYSAC Fall Seminar

Standing Committee on Public Safety

Resolution #1




WHEREAS, Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2013, known as the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (NY SAFE) Act, was enacted on January 15, 2013; and


WHEREAS, the lawful ownership of firearms is, and has been, a valued tradition in the United States, and the rights protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution are exercised by many of our residents; and


WHEREAS, the enactment of the NY SAFE Act (Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2013) has engendered significant controversy over both the process by which it was enacted and certain provisions contained within it; and


WHEREAS, the expedited process in crafting the NY SAFE Act resulted in complex policy changes, many of which resulted in problems with implementation in the months following the legislation’s enactment; and


WHEREAS, the law requires mental health practitioners to report to the county Mental Health Commissioner, known as the Director of Community Services (DCS), any person who the mental health practitioner determines is likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to self or others; and 


WHEREAS, the law requires the DCS to determine whether or not he/she agrees that the person is likely to engage in such conduct, and if so, the DCS is then required to forward that person’s name to the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS); and


WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) created a portal called ISARS for mental health practitioners to report information required under the statute, including the individual’s county of residence; and


WHEREAS, a report from ISARS is sent to the DCS at the person’s county of residence and then, if approved by the DCS, it is forwarded to DCJS for confirmation of the person’s identity before finally forwarding that information to the sheriff or local law enforcement; and


WHEREAS, though the OMH ISARS portal has reduced the workload burden on counties in complying with the SAFE Act, it has not eliminated the burden, and county mental health departments continue to have to redirect staff away from their duties to review a significant volume of SAFE Act reports many of which require follow up or additional information from the reporting practitioners; and


WHEREAS, the requirements of the SAFE Act are burdensome to county mental health departments, by straining resources and encumbering employees, without the funding required to support this mandate; and 


WHEREAS, county clerks across the state incurred significant burdens, costs and strain on their resources in dealing with new requirements of this act, including increased or new requirements in the firearms registration process, new FOIL opt-out procedures, and other permit and filing related matters; and


WHEREAS, counties will incur these problems again when the pistol permit recertification process occurs, increasing requirements for county clerks offices where local applications are currently processed; and


WHEREAS, county law enforcement, police officers and peace officers have experienced problems in gaining timely access to ammunition for their job training purposes; and


WHEREAS, the SAFE Act expressly states that no costs of this law shall be borne by local governments, however many county departments have experienced significant increases in their workload due to the new requirements the law creates; and


WHEREAS, 52 Counties in New York State have passed resolutions opposing the SAFE Act.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that NYSAC calls on the Legislature and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to work with counties to amend Chapter 1 of the Laws of 2013 in order to address the many administrative problems that have been faced by counties, as well as and address the county specific costs that have been incurred by counties to implement of this legislation; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NYSAC calls on the New York State Police to provide clarity and assistance to counties as the State Police develops the statewide database; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the sixty-two counties of New York State encouraging member counties to enact similar resolutions; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the New York State Association of Counties shall forward copies of this resolution to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, the New York State Legislature, and all others deemed necessary and proper.

Orange County Association of Towns, Villages, and Cities

Orange county resolution 1

Date of passage unknown.

Town of Dover resolution calling for repeal of the NY SAFE act

Town of Dover resolution opposing SAFE act by Evan Hempel

Town of Reading resolution calling for repeal of NY SAFE act

P.O. BOX 5

September 16, 2013

Honorable Andrew Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, New York 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

The Town of Reading Board would like the SAFE Act repealed.

I have enclosed the Resolution passed at our August 2013 meeting stating that the Reading Town Board supports the repeal of the SAFE Act.


Marvin Switzer,

Reading Town Supervisor


AUGUST 14, 2013

RESOLUTION # 39: Councilperson P. Gill made a motion to support the repeal of the SAFE Act. Councilperson G. Conklin seconded.

Councilperson P. Gill aye
Councilperson G. Conklin aye
Councilperson B. Stamp aye
Councilperson R. Everett aye
Supervisor Switzer aye

Town of Potsdam resolution opposing the NY SAFE act



MOTION made by Councilman Zagrobelny and second by Councilwoman Rivezzi to approve following resolution

WHEREAS, we the board members of the Town of Potsdam, NY believe the New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE Act) was hastily passed and reflects many flaws and poorly considered aspects, and

Whereas, we feel there is a need for a thoughtful debate on the matter of restrictions on the use of firearms in our society,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Potsdam Town Board request the our New York State Representatives convene public hearings to gain information which would be used to amend, replace, and repair flaws in the SAFE ACT, and

Be it further resolved that the Potsdam Town Board directs the Town Clerk to send this resolution to the Governor and Assembly and Senate representatives.