Town of Concord resolution opposing the SAFE Act passed unanimously.
Resolution – Safe New York – Supervisor Eppolito asked for the Board for a motion in support of a Resolution regarding the State Law which was passed without due process.
Councilwoman King moved the adoption of Resolution 4, seconded by Councilman Salzler:
WHEREAS, the Town of Concord represents approximately 8,500 citizens in southern Erie County; and
WHEREAS, on Monday, January 14, 2013, the second amendment of our Constitution was infringed upon without due process by the Governor of New York and the State’s Legislative branches; and
WHEREAS, the Gun Control Bill (S.2230) known as NY SAFE Act was rushed through those legislative bodies and signed by Governor Cuomo without a single public hearing or any input from state law enforcement agencies; and
WHEREAS, the majority of state lawmakers did not have sufficient time to review this piece of legislation thus leaving serious questions concerning its implementation and enforcement; and
WHEREAS, the NY SAFE act does not focus on increasing penalties for criminals who utilize firearms to harm or threaten law abiding citizens, nor does it address the issue of mental illness as it relates to violence; and
THEREFORE; the Concord Town Board formally requests that NYS SAFE (S.2230) be repealed and that no new legislation be enacted until lawmakers are able to receive public input, and these Senators and Assemblymen are given sufficient time to consider the ramifications of such a law.
BE IT RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to Governor Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader Skelos, Speaker of the Assembly Silver, and the Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, and the Western New York Delegation as well as the Minority and Majority Leaders of the Erie County Legislature.
Voting as follows:
Councilwoman King Aye
Councilman Krezmien Aye
Councilman Salzler Aye
Councilman Snyder Aye
Supervisor Eppolito Aye